Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Project: Germantown Schnitzelburg

Germantown Schnitzelburg #040 by Michael Winters

Germantown Schnitzelburg #008 by Michael Winters

While I was preparing my new website, I realized that a lot of my projects overlap.  I took the liberty to reorganize some previous images to hopefully refine what each project can be.

In doing this, I realized I already have 40 images, color and black and white, that start to describe the Germantown and Schnitzelburg neighborhoods.

So, in 2011, I'm hoping to grow this project into something more documentary than I've done in a long time, including a good number of portraits, interiors, and views from the street.

Here's a potential shot list:

Beer Signs
Shotguns and Camelbacks
Yard Statuary
Dainty Game
Neighborhood Association Meeting
Home Décor
Dogs + Cats
Car Mechanics
Liquor Stores
Beargrass Creek
Front Porches
Nord’s Bacon Doughnut
Flabby’s Interior
Goss Avenue Antiques
Kroger Shopping Cart Attendants
Double Dragon
Dairy Del

If you have any other ideas for my shot list, leave a comment.  

1 comment:

  1. More ideas:
    Yard sales
    Alleys during junk pick up week
    Litter (we have so much in our yard at times)
    Goss Avenue Kroger
